Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Boring Blog.

Spending my delicious money is great, until I have no more.
Ugh, being broke does officially suck.
It’s like not being free or something.
Can’t do anything…
But then again I guess that’s why money is BAD.
Haha, I mean I’m still living…
I can do a lot…Like walk, run, draw, bike, go to the park, watch old movies, play outside, play with the dogs, etc.
Its not the same though as buying new shiii.

I think its kind of weird how I’m SUPER EXCITED! & SADLY DEPRESSED! About fixing up RJ.
Well first of all, I’m super excited because i’m basically “pimpin” out my car.
He gets 12 inch speakers, amps with about 2000 watts, a new head unit, a new paint job, gets his wing fixed, etc.
Pretty awesome isn’t it, I know.
But then since the speaker box is like E N O R M O U S !!
My trunk pretty much just doesn’t exist.
I used to have one of the biggest trunks in my family.
I could even fit 2 ALIVE people and some in there…
Plus I had a lot of junk, like my boxes, extra clothes, my Scooooooter :]
But now its empty, with just ONE-BIG-BOX.
So I don’t have anywhere to put the rest of my “crap” that was in my trunk.
At the moment its in my backseat on the floor…
But because its there, it sort of limits me to 3 other passengers instead of 4.
Unless the 4th passenger is a Bab y and cant reach the floor.
I would take the box out but I sort of need the stuff in it..
Like my radiator fluid or whatever and extra clothes and a towel or whatever.
Plus I like to keep my scooter in my car for emergency.
Like example, lets say I’m at school and I park in parking lot 2.
But my next class is near parking lot 8.
But I don’t have time to go move my car, plus that’s being fat, right?
Or what if theres no more parking space…
That’s why I bust out my handy dandy scooter.
I just hop on that mugg and no biggie.
I get to class on time with time to spare to buy a Gatorade or something.
Okay…I majorly went off topic.
All im trying to say is..
Yeah im happy that I get my car all nice and fixed up.
But now I don’t have a trunk.
And I have no more money.
Now that I think about it, was it worth it?
Haha well I guess ill just have to wait and find out.
(I sure hope it is)

As for school, ugh.
Pain in the butt.
And this is just the beginning too.
I’m really scared of failing my Business Management class.
I don’t understand anything the teacher talks about and its some pretty hard stuff.
Plus shes goes like uber fast, and my brain cant function that quicky.
And since my lover does my homework for me, I really don’t learn anything.
My English class is a butt too, but not as bad.
The teacher can get annoying though, but at least shes not that hard.
My piano class is good, especially since the teacher is great.
Haha, I nominated my piano teacher for “Appreciation Day”.
I don’t think she won.

Work is still the same.
Since im really busy with school and community service I don’t get much hours in though.
And you know what that means, “not much hours = not much money”.

Community service is whatever too.
Im going to be working this Friday.
There having a Steak dinner.
I love steak, but ive had it for 4 days straight now.
Im kinda ehhhh about it.
Maybe I’ll cut back for now.
I always tend to smell really bad though after community service.
I think it’s the environment..
Its like a mixture of smoke, dirty water, must, and OLD WHITE PEOPLE.

Alright well I gotta get back to work.
Then off to school, todays is my all day for school.
Hope I don’t fall asleep.
(Btw, this ones really boring.)