Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Need To Shower.

I didnt shower this morning or last night.
Gross i know.
It is not officially been 1 whole day without a shower.
Im going to shower rather tonight or in the morning.
But i dont think i will at night since i dont get out of school until 9:30pm.
So its going to be pretty late.
My sister was stepping on my back last night...
Then she stepped on my lower back.
At first it felt good, but then she sorta jumped on it.
Then OUCH! It was hurting the whole night.
I couldnt sleep.
Couldnt move much.
It was like she bent a bone or something.
It was pretty scary.
I dont want to be paralyzed.
So i slept on my back but it kinda hurt.
So i had to sleep on my stomach, couldnt sleep on my side for anything.
But then this morning when i woke up, it wasnt too bad.
Its a little EH but not as bad as earlier.
I got little massages here and there though.
Felt good, but now im scared for my siblings to step on my back.
I wish i could afford a "Kie Row Prac Ter" to fix my back or make it feel delish.
Im really tired right now. Writing this is making me sleepy.
I even went to sleep early last night. Like at 11:30 or something.
Madddd early!! I need to buy some drinks though. Theres nothing to drink in the house.
The fruit punch crystal light is pretty good though.
Taste like Kool Aid with out the SUGARs i guess.
Haha, but it still stains your upper lip, so yeah i have to drink carefully not to put my lips on the cup.
Im cutting it short today.
Got work to do and im really really tired.
Plus i dont know what to talk about anymore.
Cant think. Heh.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bored At Work, Broke.

Ive been at work since 11:00.
I start school at 4:00 today.
I've actually got alot of work done today.
But nonetheless, its still rather boring.
I've been thinking of what i should do for a living.
I just had a similar conversation with my mother this morning about this.
She thinks that i should be a court reporter.
Because they get paid well, its an easy job, and she thinks i type fast.
Even though i type fast, i dont think i type fast enough.
But thats not even the case.
They use different keyboards. I've never seen one yet alone never used one before.
So im unsure if i'll be able to do that.
But i guess its worth a shot.
I rather by the keyboard thingamajigg they use and practice from it instead.
But those things cost thousands of dollars.
I guess my safety will always be nursing.
Honestly though, i dont want to be a nurse.
Yeah i would probably be good at it, because i would always go with my aunt to the hospitals.
Plus i would be great working night shifts, im usually up thats why.
But there is just something about nursing that i just dont want to do.
I cant stand the smell of hospitals or the look of it.
I dont like being in hospitals.
I dont like the uniforms you have to wear.
But then again i dont want to wear a "suit" or any business looking wear for court reporting.
Worst of all, i dont want to cater to other people that are sick.
I rather talk to people that need help not to physically help them.
I dont like old people.
I dont like dying people.
I dont want to touch them and do that stuff.
Yeah i sound pretty mean about it, but i just dont want to do it.
But i guess if worst comes to worst, thats what i will have to do.
Hopefully in the next months i find something to major in quick.
Because then the faster i know what i want to do, the faster i can do it. Heh.
Im hoping to find a new job now though.
My job now is probably going to go out of business soon...
I've been applying, but no one ever responds.
I dont know how other people get the job so easy and so fast.
Doesnt make sense.
But then again, maybe its because the way i look and dress.
But still! Haha that sucks.
Plus i dont want to work with any food...
So that narrows my options down to not many.
*sigh. I've been so broke.
I havent bought anything new in forever.
I have no new shoes.
No new clothes.
No new car things.
I dont even have money to buy new air freshners.
Or get my car a wash.
Rjs so dirty, its depressing to drive in it and be happy.
Haha, i guess that is my fault though.
And your probably thinking, why dont you just wash it yourself?!
Well, i would..actually i have..but the water dries up so fast before i can dry it with something that it leaves watermarks.
Plus my rims and the rest of my car isnt as shiny when i do it rather then when the pros do it.
The last time i hand washed my car, my chipped my paint, and scratched my car with his dry dirty towel.
Haha, see! I dont wanna keep doing that to my car.
Well hopefully i find a new job or just someway to make money..
Without stealing or selling, ahahha.

Can't Sleep.

I cant sleep, my lover hasnt talked to me all day.
So i couldnt wait any longer, so i called.
Heh, now im just lying down bored out my mind.
On the phone. I slept all day.
Today was a pretty good day i think.
It was normal and chill.
This black girl in my class used to have this really raggedy hair.
She would always scratch her head and mess with it.
It was sorta like dreads but not, kinda like if you got oil and grease and twirled your hair.
Hahah well yeah if you can imagine that, thats what her hair looked like.
OMG! Wait, i forgot shes not even black, the hooch is ETHIOPIAN, Maaa baddd. 
Anyways, well she came to school today and her hair was all fixed. She must have gotten a perm or something, but it looked like lumps in her hair, she used like a gazillion bobby pins she
 just randomly stuck in her hair. 
I didnt like the new look though, it looked like aunt jemima or whatever the syrup lady is called.
Haha but i think the funniest thing today that happen was this lady who is the sign language translater for this deaf guy in my class, it was during break and she was using her phone [sidekick] and her face was like all up in the phone screen.
i dont know it was one of those moment that you had to be there to understand it i guess.
But its like she couldnt read the letters on her keyboard or like she was trying to smell her phone, haha i dont know, okay enough of that now.
Well i ate thai food today, it was pretty bomb i think im going to eat KFC tomorrow.
Im getting tired actually. Yeah i had a good day and all, but it doesnt seem like much fun.
Maybe next time it will be better, hopefully.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Rather Do This, Than Work.

In a way I find it pointless for me to try and work.
Because once I start something, like making invoices for example, I wont be able to take a break and stop.
It's not that I dont want to do them its just because i have to leave anyway in about 14 minutes, why start it.
If i do its rather i be late to school trying to finish it up, or go to school on time but might forget where i left off or mess up the "routine".
So instead of starting something, i do little things like RAs and just type here.
What a job huh.
The office is really boring.
Everything in the office is plain and very OLD.
Like OLD fashion type of office.
Rugs are old, chairs are old, walls are old, people in it are old.
Haha. What am i doing here?
Anyways, i like the AC though. Can't stand MrSun.
People have told me that i always look mad and mean.
I dont mean to look mean its just most of the time people are looking at me, its sunny outside.
And i cant stand the heat or the sun in my eyes.
So i guess i give off a look that im mad.
When really its not you im mad at, its because im outside where my skin is buring, my body is sweating, my face is melting and the suns in my eyes. Which makes my eyes squint, in a non friendly way.
Haha, maybe thats just my own theory why i look that way to others.
Or it really could just be because your ugly :]
You know what i love to do, is clean my ears.
Haha, ADD huh?
Well i was just sitting here and my ear itched, so i itched it and i thought about cleaning my ears.
It feels so good, like relaxing and calming.
When i clean my ears i wanna just sleep and close my eyes.
Pretty F ing strange isnt it.
Im drink Arizona Green tea with ginseng and honey right now.
My all time favorite is the black tea, but they dont sell that everywhere and it costs more.
Have you ever felt paper when it comes out the printer?
Like not just one but alot, and it comes out all hot.
I kinda like it.
I would wait until the paper gets out and right when it gets out i put it against my face.
Haha, its weird i know but it also feels kinda nice.
Like the warm but not burning sensation and its like clear, i dont know exactly how to describe it but you should try it sometime.
Just make sure the ink is dry, haha.
I amuse myself a little to much i think.
Wow, ive been typing for quite some time now, i forgot about school.
It's already 1:28. I have to leave in 2 minutes.
Well i guess ill just leave now since i still have to stay goodbye to my fellow employees and boss.

Nothing Else To Do.

Works boring.
I need a new job.
But then agian, my job now is easy for me.
Just no fun.
Schools okay.
I do regret starting so late now.
Maybe an hour or two earlier would have been better.
I hate my Math class.
I hate doing MathLab on the Computer, its a pain.
Luckily I have my sister to do my homework.
But shes not cheap, if you know what I mean.
Im dressed like uber bum today.
Brown cholo shorts, black T, faded black socks, and my dog chewed up timberland slippers.
Yup, sportin the look today. Heh.
My Lovers mad at me, still.
Mother cussed me out this morning for waking up late.
The shower was nice today, it was really warm.
Warmer than usual.
My backs been hurting, i need to stretch or something.
Shiii, i need to work out!
Ugh, like thats going to happen.
I just cooked a massive load of food last night too.
Made 4 different kinds of meat.
Pretty crazy huh.
But i didnt even eat any of it.
Wasnt feeling it, it's weird...
Because when i cook i dont want to eat it.
I think some people know what i mean.
So instead of eating my own cooked food, i ate some captain crunch.
They seemed so much smaller nowadays.
I remember them being bigger and harder.
Like when i would eat them it would hurt the roof of my mouth and the milk wouldnt soak in as fast.
Now, the captain crunch is much smaller and soaks up milk like * that .
Haha, well its already 12:50.
I got school at 2:00, but i usually leave by 1:30.
Well i guess i should go do something a bit more productive, like work.