Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Can't Sleep.

I cant sleep, my lover hasnt talked to me all day.
So i couldnt wait any longer, so i called.
Heh, now im just lying down bored out my mind.
On the phone. I slept all day.
Today was a pretty good day i think.
It was normal and chill.
This black girl in my class used to have this really raggedy hair.
She would always scratch her head and mess with it.
It was sorta like dreads but not, kinda like if you got oil and grease and twirled your hair.
Hahah well yeah if you can imagine that, thats what her hair looked like.
OMG! Wait, i forgot shes not even black, the hooch is ETHIOPIAN, Maaa baddd. 
Anyways, well she came to school today and her hair was all fixed. She must have gotten a perm or something, but it looked like lumps in her hair, she used like a gazillion bobby pins she
 just randomly stuck in her hair. 
I didnt like the new look though, it looked like aunt jemima or whatever the syrup lady is called.
Haha but i think the funniest thing today that happen was this lady who is the sign language translater for this deaf guy in my class, it was during break and she was using her phone [sidekick] and her face was like all up in the phone screen.
i dont know it was one of those moment that you had to be there to understand it i guess.
But its like she couldnt read the letters on her keyboard or like she was trying to smell her phone, haha i dont know, okay enough of that now.
Well i ate thai food today, it was pretty bomb i think im going to eat KFC tomorrow.
Im getting tired actually. Yeah i had a good day and all, but it doesnt seem like much fun.
Maybe next time it will be better, hopefully.

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